

Redhat Package Manager (RPM)

Set of binary files, which are compiled programs. This is similar to add/remove programs in windows. RPM is used to manage installation packages including installation and un-installation. The database that contains information of all rpms…


Linux File Attributes

Listed below are few attributes that can be assigned to a file:   # chattr +i /etc/passwd : i = immutable (cannot remove, edit, rename or move) # chattr -i /etc/passwd : Remove the above…


RedHat Linux FSTAB

Syntax:   Mount options: rw x ro : Read only / Read & write exec x noexec suid x nosuid auto x noauto : Should this device be mounted in boot-up automatically or not user…


Linux File System Management

Disk Druid: The only tool used for partitioning management at the time of installation Partitioning management utilities available after installation: fdisk parted sfdisk Total partitions allowed is 63. From the fifth, it will be extended…


Configuring postfix virtual mail domain

This is part of the Postfix documents series, continuation of “Accessing a dovecot imap server using SquirrelMail”. One should complete the initial steps in these docuemtns to make this work. Create a user to manage…


How to install and configure SuPHP

The SuPHP is Developed by Sebastian Marsching . The source package is available licensed under the GNU GPLv2. Even though there are several binary installation packages (rpm) from several third-party repositories, for best compatibility and…