
Time Date and Timesync using Chronyd

Every system has a clock and is a critical component of the Operating System. It keep the time, which is used for various proposes such as: Running automated jobs as configured intervals Marking timestamp on…


DNF : Dandified YUM

Dandified YUM or simply DNF is an advanced version of the Yellowdog Updater, Modified OR simply YUM, a package manager for rpm-based Linux distributions. The “yum” commands are still available in Redhat, but they point…


Creating YUM and DNF Repositories

As we all knows the yum and dnf commands are used to download and install software packages from software repositories configured in the node. In a centOS server, centos repositories will be configured by default….


Redhat – Boot Target

A Linux systems can boot up in various modes based on user preference. For example we can configure a node to start on GUI mode, where once the node boots, the user will get a GUI based…


Linux – sudo file

The sudo command allows you to run programs with the security privileges of another user. Usually this command is used to run command as a  superuser. The configuration files are : /etc/sudoers /etc/sudoers.d/* Instead of…


Redhat – Links between files

Every file or folder created in a Linux system is associated with an iNode. The name given to the file is mapped to the inode created. Hard Link The below command creates two hard links to…


Redhat – Generating SoS report

The SoS report command is a tool that collects various details from a Redhat Linux server. These details include configuration details, system information and diagnostic information such as the running kernel version, loaded modules, and…