Ansible doc – Documentation for help


Ansible got a set of modules that will allow playbooks to run different operations in managed nodes. This includes configurations to install yum packages using dnf utility, copy files from controller node to manage nodes, configure firewall rules in managed nodes, etc. These are made possible because of modules such as the ones below and many other ones:

  •  ansible.builtin.dnf
  • ansible.posix.firewalld
  • ansible.builtin.copy

As the modules are many and so are the parameters and operations allowed ansible navigator provides us a doc utility to explore these modules.

Below command lists all available modules.

[root@centos9vm ~]# ansible-navigator doc -l

Below command shows details of a specific module

[root@centos9vm ~]# ansible-navigator doc -m stdout firewalld

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> ANSIBLE.POSIX.FIREWALLD (/usr/share/ansible/collections/ansible_collections/ansible/posix/plugins/modules/

This module allows for addition or deletion of services and ports (either TCP or UDP) in either running or permanent
firewalld rules.

OPTIONS (= is mandato ……….


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While the above page is displayed, type the following to see examples in the specific moduled


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