The ansible-navigator is a command-line tool which is used for creating, reviewing, running and troubleshooting Ansible content, including playbooks, collections, inventories, documentation and container images.
It comes with RHEL distributions and can be installed using the command
- RHEL-9]# dnf install ansible-navigator
However, you may not be able to install it so easily in CentOS or other distributions of Linux. The process of installing ansible-navigator in a CentOS-9 system is as follows:
- centos-9]# sudo dnf install python3-pip -y
centos-9]# python3 -m pip install ansible-navigator –user
centos-9]# echo ‘export PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH’ >> ~/.profile
centos-9]# source ~/.profile
Now, le us check the version of ansible-navigator installed in the system
- centos-9]# ansible-navigator –version
Let us pull ansible modules and plugin to the system
- centos-9]# ansible-navigator images
Let us verify the ansible image that got downloaded
- centos-9]# podman images